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Anti Graffiti Protectant (A.G.P.)

Surface Preparation:

The surface should be free of dirt, wax, oil, or any other foreign material.

SATURATE a 100% cotton applicator cloth with KADKLAD A.G.P., and apply a heavy coat in a back and forth (not circular) motion. Cover a working area of approximately 2-3 sq. feet and let stand for 3-5 minutes. Do Not pass back through the wet film once it has been laid in place. Disturbing the film will distort curing.

For finished surfaces: At the end of 3-5 minutes, buff to a high gloss.

For unfinished surfaces: No additional buffing is necessary.

When starting a new area, re-saturate applicator cloth and slightly overlap each new section. Continue in this fashion until the entire surface is covered. Two coats will ensure that any areas inadvertently missed the first time are coated with material. Wait 10 minutes between coats.

The hardness and release properties of KADKLAD A.G.P. will increase substantially over the first 24 hours, and continue to increase over time.

Graffiti Removal:
Most graffiti can be removed by hand buffing with a soft cloth or towel. More persistent markings may need to be removed with warm water and a scrub brush. For the most extreme cases, the film itself may need to be removed by compounding the area with mild grit compound such as 3M’s Finesse-It II or similar.

Re-application to the effected area is recommended.

Application Tips:

Please Request a Sample.

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